Insanely Profitable App Ideas That Will Make You Rich in 2024


Insanely Profitable App Ideas That Will Make You Rich in 2024


As of writing this article, the global mobile phone market is expected to reach $430 billion by the end of 2024. They always say follow the money, so I say we look where the money went, so let’s check out some profitable app ideas you can steal in this article We’re going to look at seven profitable app ideas, and we’re going to look at real-life examples of successful apps, but again I want to focus on the idea behind it because you’re supposed to take the idea and put your spin on it.


Mobile phone games


In the first app idea, casual mobile games and by no means an expert on mobile games but they are too big to be dismissed as a category, mobile games are the most profitable type of b2c app but they are also the most expensive to manufacture and maintain, if If you look at a list of the top grossing mobile games, you’ll see some common trends.


Number one, very high production value number two, lots of multiplayer options number three, ranking systems number four, huge and highly developed development teams The creator of the multi-budget Mobile Legends game is Moonton Games, we have over 600 employees, and are part of A multi-billion dollar dance group, it’s great that we can play these games on our mobile phones but creating one from scratch as a non-tech Founder isn’t practical aka impossible but do mobile games need these cutting edge features to be profitable.


The Amazing Story of Flappy Bird


Objectively speaking, there are no casual games Three words, that’s two correct words because of the two-word hyphen, very casual game, very basic mechanics, very simple interfaces, super fun simplicity is the selling point, I’m sure You’ve heard about The Amazing Story of Flappy Bird, the simplest game ever created by this guy from scratch in a few days and making fifty thousand dollars a day.


Games like this provide a very valuable solution, where you have 10 minutes to spend and you want to feel like you’re trying without having to try and you still want the reward or completion of a task, in other words, you want to do something while you’re at it. On the Toilet Since sitting on the toilet is a very popular activity, there will always be room for a well-thought-out casual game and I want to show you a particularly attention-grabbing game that is Advertising Uses the Leastest Song You’ve Ever Heard.


Why are apps profitable?


You can see the eCPM per country, ranges from $10 to 40 cents, let’s be very conservative and say eCPM per country see if Dodge costs 40 cents and 10 million downloads and say only 20 active users, So 2 million people those 2 million people only see one ad a day every day for a month, okay, so 2 million people’s time 30 days divided by a thousand equals 6000. The app maker gets 40 cents per thousand, so 60,000 times 0.4 is 24,000 US dollars per month.


If you can achieve this as a one-man team and this is retirement-level income then this game is not trying to compete with pubg it’s easier to do technically, all you have to do is think of something that will occupy people for five minutes at a time.


By the way, this category is the only category on the list whose revenue comes from advertising, while apps make the most of their money by offering a free version to entice their users and then upselling them to a premium version with additional features. The cloud-based Business Service Cloud has turned out to be a bit of a password but a really useful feature.


How can I profit from applications in 2024?


All it means is that the process is handled by a remote server and database that enables you to edit a photo on your phone using a cloud editor. Your phone never does the editing but rather sends a request to an online photo editor which then returns the final product to your phone. This means an extra step and it won’t work offline, which is what people prefer.


In other words, what problem does space solve number one Since the processing doesn’t happen on the phone, it takes up less space on the device so users don’t have to delete millions of their photos Making room for quality number two Again, the processing is done externally so users are not limited to a processor Their phones, giving someone with a low-end phone access to processors beyond the capabilities of their phone’s hardware.


The first reason is integration because it’s an online cloud-based service that is often connected to other users and other clouds which makes it very easy to implement Chef Ups the example I want to show is electronic signature specifically DocuSign, it allows multiple users to automate signing and sending media files to Each other from any device Over 10 million downloads and the most popular e-signature app on the market.


Applications deal with the largest base of Internet users


It is not surprising that the largest user base is companies that want a simple and secure way to sign official documents, and the latest report in October 2022 showed that it generated revenue of $645 million. Of course the size of the application is huge, but the ID itself is simple. Look for a business process that can be simplified through digitization. , Why business operations are done because companies always pay for things that help them increase profits or reduce costs, Smartwatch friendly applications for smartwatches are very popular.


I think in 2023, it was roughly 100 million units sold, let me do a quick check of 127.5 million units in 2023 with 42 million units in Q4 Of course, not all smartwatches are created equal, bigger brands will have Much stronger operations and some of the cheaper brands are basically children’s toys but these watches can still run on iOS or Android.


What are the features that make the application attractive and profitable?


Run Apps If you can optimize the app interface to fit a really small screen, a problem that can be solved by just taking a quick look at the risks you face, you are tapping into a relatively new market Talking about watches Run Apps A very good example is running apps, check the map My Run By Under Armour, it tracks overall distance and the premium version comes with live GPS tracking and a host of other features that can be easily accessed via a Smartwatch Since it’s something you can use Use it on the go, it’s something people would rather just look at Their watch to see the $14 million revenue.

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